Wednesday 28 February 2018



Welcome to my blog!

I worked with RICHIE BATEY 1574, MAX BEHAN 1502 and THOMAS PALLISER 1587

Our brief was to make the titles and openings of a fictional thriller film.  The title of our film is Robotica

Our film is immediately below and my preliminary exercise is in the pages section above.

All my RESEARCH and PLANNING follow below on the main blog roll, in reverse order, starting with the latest first. To present my research and planning, I have used a wide variety of platforms and tools. These include; Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Photoshop, Piktochart, Movie Maker, Slideshare and iMovie.

My main responsibility for the film was editing. Being the sole editor of our group meant I had to ensure that our production would make sense and be of a good standard for audiences. I was in charge collecting our footage and audio and editing them together in iMovie to produce our final product. I had to make sure that the music we used wouldn’t drown out any speech but still be loud enough to keep the film entertaining. In addition, I had to find appropriate music for each scene which correlated well with the environment of the clips. I also took responsibility for directing the Rick Advert, and the stealing Rick scene. As a director I had to make sure that the cast (including myself) were in the right position and following the correct actions. I also was a cameraman for the 2 news broadcast scenes at the start, the scenes of Martin Bethan in Londonand the enhancing Rick scene. As a cameraman I had to make sure that all the shots I took were in focus and framed appropriately so that the audience would have a clear visual of the film at all times.

MY CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION is above under Pages. Clicking on the tab CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION will show the research and planning that went into our responses to these questions. To present my responses, I have used the following platforms: Question 1 iMovie for voicing over our film ; Question 2 ; Emaze Question 3 Prezi ; Question 4 Emaze.

Below is our final film. Enjoy!

Wednesday 7 February 2018


On the 24th of January in class, we filmed the green screen scene for our intro which involved Max in a conference discussing the release of Rick. I directed and shot the scene in addition to setting up the green screen. As cameraman, I bubbled the tripod using the built-in spirit level and made sure Max was in shot as I was editing the scene. The green screen includes two poles which clips to the actual green cloth, just before filming I realised that there was a lot of wrinkles in the green screen which meant that when editing it wouldn’t be as clear and would show marks. To fix this I made Tom and Richie stretch out the green screen, this eliminated all wrinkles which meant it came out very clear (as shown in picture below).

Me Editing the clips on iMovie

Today in class we filmed the other green screen which was Charlie White, an extra we incorporated, on the green screen playing the role of a news reporter presenting the news that Martin Bethan had announced the news of Rick on the Robotica website which I also created using photoshop, and that he was releasing this news to the world. Similar to the last green screen we filmed, I helped set everything up in addition to writing Charlie’s script for his scene. I wanted to make sure that the audience understood what our film was about, so I made it clear that Robotica had announced the release of Rick.

Furthermore, when editing the piece, I added a news banner as well as a background of a news studio which I created using PowerPoint. To record the audio, we used voice-memos on my iPhone which I then Airdropped to my iPhone and then uploaded to iMovie.

The News Studio which I created using powerpoint 

Tuesday 30 January 2018

CONSTRUCTION: Coffee Shop Scene

Today in class we filmed the last scene which we needed to film (excluding green screen clips). that in this scene we observe Luke and Toni talking about the development of Rick and how far they have got with enhancing his technology, Toni continues to warn Luke about Rick having an “Unstable processor” after the alterations and that he can develop “violent tendencies”. Luke quickly brushes off the comments by telling Toni that he’ll prove that Rick is safe at dinner.

I discussed my idea of filming our scene in a coffee shop on our group chat, which is our main source of communication. The idea came about after our trip to London and when editing the clips, I realised our plot needed more depth for the audience to understand our film. Our original idea was to go to Costa, however due to filming rights we ended using an area in our school which looked similar to a coffee shop and also meant we could use extras to add to the realism.

Just before the scene, I developed a short script for me and Tom to follow which included some key points which would help the audience to understand what’s going on. We needed to use a shot-reverse-shot camera angle to capture both angles of Tom and I talking so our camera man, Max, positioned the camera in 2 different angles to get the shots we needed. In addition, we also used over the shoulder technique to display our characters in more detail.

To film the audio of our clips, Tom and I used our iPhones with the voice memo app. This made the audio sound clearer and crisp compared to the camera microphone. When editing, I matched the audio up with clips and added various sounds including traffic and various city ambiences that I downloaded off YouTube, these made our scene seem more like it was filmed in public. Furthermore, I added some fast tempo music in the background which gave the scene more effect. I downloaded the Royalty Free music off Epidemic Sound  

Monday 29 January 2018

CONSTRUCTION: Filming in London

First visit to London 29/12/17

On our first visit to London we came to my father’s office, Comast Construction. It was during the Christmas break to it was empty and meant we could be free where we filmed. We shot 2 scenes in the office that day. The first was the scene when we showed our newspaper prop which I created and the second was the balcony scene when I was plotting. In addition, we also filmed a quick shot scene of me preparing a tea.

Once we arrived at the office we got dressed into our suits and began setting up our created props such as Max’s Robotica name plaque. We used different angles when filming to ensure the audience knows we are working in a proper office and not a decorated classroom as we wanted to make our film look professional.

Second visit to London 22/01/18

On our second visit to London we needed to film a scene of Martin Beethan (Max) on the phone, cinematic shots of him on a bench, making a phone call followed by watching the advert and Tony (Tom) steal Rick (Richie) with Luke (Luca).

We started off by bringing the drone into London and filming in a quiet park where we wouldn’t disturb anyone. The shots we got looked great and after that was done we went to another park nearer my dad’s office came to my father’s office where we filmed Martin watching the Robotica Advert.  

Soon after we finished filming we waited a little bit for it to get darker, this is when we got ready to film the stealing Rick scene. We used a mattress cover (same one used in the altering Rick scene) to wrap Rick up to make it out that he was “new”. Furthermore, we also used a large Box Sack Truck to wheel Rick on as it looked more professional than just making him walk or carry him.

Editing and additional information

·      We filmed our scenes with a cannon 750D as well as Dji Phantom 3 Professional Drone and I edited with iMovie
·      When editing the office scene, I added in office ambience sound effects which involved people talking, phones ringing, typing as well as other “office atmosphere” noises. Moreover, I used other sound effects such as a ringing phone and a hang up button sound which I downloaded off YouTube using the YouTube-to-Mp3 converter.
·      For music I downloaded some royalty free tracks off Epidemic Sound which is a copyright free music platform full of different tunes for different genres.

·      We filmed the majority of our dialogue with our iPhones using the voice memo app and once recorded we airdropped them onto my laptop where I would import them to iMovie.